Minister Cherie Williams' driving force is the motto “Forever in HIS Service”. This motto has pushed her forward when she felt like giving up. Joining Cincinnati Bible Way Church (CBWC) in 1986, she was at a church meeting when our HEAVENLY FATHER asked if she would be one who would support and work in the ministry. She pledged her allegiance to GOD to work alongside Apostles James and Grace Blue, now Bishops James and Grace. She has a strong commitment to the vision and mission of CBWC and its place in the Kingdom of GOD.
She believes in continuous learning. She has an Associate Degree from Carolina University of Theology and a Bachelor's Degree of Arts from Life Renewal Bible College. She is a graduate of Eagles Bible Institute (EBI) School of Ministry. She attended University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State and has completed multiple certificate programs in Biblical Studies with Light University, AACC, American Association of Christian Counselors. In addition,she has completed seminars and training courses in the Theophostic Prayer Healing and Deliverance, EBI School of Healing and Deliverance, EBI School of Prophetic, Church Development Strategies, teaching seminars, prayer seminars, Veterans Community Outreach Initiative, et cetera.
Upon relocating to Atlanta, GA with his beautiful wife and 2 wonderful children, they started attending Greater Fairhill Baptist Church, where once again, he started working with the youth. While in Atlanta, his outreach has expanded to being a spiritual advisor for several professional athletes, an entertainer, and a music executive, as well as countless others. He also co-founded and led a new youth group called Men of Excellence at North Atlanta High school for young men in grades 9th - 12th.
She has served in many positions at CBWC and believes in putting her hands to the plow. Ordained a Deaconess with the Diaconate Board of CBWC in May of ‘95. She served for two terms as the head deaconess on the Diaconate Board. She served with CBWC Board of Directors; on the Finance Committee as a counter; as the Purchasing Agent; and then as the Assistant Treasurer. Wanting people and ministries to be successful she has worked as the Minister over Ministry of HELPS (Having Enough Loving People Serving) as well as with several other ministries at CBWC. She has served with the Theater Guild, Paradigm Theater Troupe as an actress and stage manager; a member of Joshua Troop; Prophetic Team; an educator with Sunday School; Beautification Committee; InterChurch Committee; Eagles Bible Institute (EBI) - team member and registrar; and other committees throughout the years. She is currently a member of the Worshipping Arts Ministry on the Praise and Worship team and still working alongside Bishops James and Grace, developing strategies for growth and improvement CBWC Ministry.
Realizing when she adopted the motto, “Forever in His Service”, it really meant serving and serving the body of CHRIST. One of her prayers to GOD… “Search me, oh GOD, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”, Psalms 139:23 through 24. She is focused on GOD, HIS Kingdom and HIS Kingdom People. She is ready to do her part along with her brothers and sisters in CHRIST. To move forward and make it happen.